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  • Writer's pictureErika Overhoff

Top 3 Reasons to Update Your Resume NOW!

Welcome 2017! Ring in the new year with a fresh and updated resume! Are you a job seeker wondering why employers are not contacting you? Are you happily employed and not going anywhere? Don't wait another moment to revamp your resume or to add new skills and achievements from 2016. Below are the top 3 reasons to rework or update your resume today.

1. You're on the job hunt... STILL!

You've sent out 2,957 resumes, and your response from potential employers is zilch. You know you are qualified, so what gives? The answer is your resume. You could be failing to outline your history, skills, and achievements properly. On the other hand, your resume may look like the Great American Novel. Recruiters will take one glance and onto the next! Now is the time to seek help from a professional. I happen to know of a very skilled writer with a history of recruiting (wink wink). Don't pay exorbitant prices for generic resume services. I can help without breaking the bank!

2. Opportunity Knocks, Be Prepared!

You NEVER know when a new job opportunity or promotion may arise. Life is uncertain, and you best be prepared. Plus, handing in a top notch resume in a timely manor shows major enthusiasm.

On the flip side, you never know when your company is going to restructure or layoff. A "ready to go" resume will eliminate your stress. No need to go into crisis mode and come up short on the details of your prior position(s).

3. Reflect Upon Yourself!

Updating your resume will give you an opportunity for reflection. Outlining your skills and achievements will certainly give you a confidence boost and confirm your self-worth. Give yourself a pat on the back! It will also allow you to think upon why you enjoy your career or why a change might be due. Finally, it will help you to realize areas of opportunity, growth, and improvement.


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